This is an experimental and dowsed MP4 Silent VIDEO Clip Product Download File containing the ‘Energetic Signatures’ required for the above mentioned Product Description. Any experimental Silent VIDEO Clips played should be done so REPEATEDLY in a continuous loop i.e. “Repeat Mode”. The length of time for ‘Continuous Playback’ on your chosen Device will depend on your sensitivity to ‘Subtle Energies’….. and therefore you should start off slowly and maybe increase gradually each day e,g, 60 mins 3 times per day depending on the severity of what you are trying to resolve! There is no need to actually watch the downloaded animated Silent VIDEO Clip as it will continue to work silently in the “background” of your Playback Device if “Play” is selected along with the ‘Continuous Loop’ mode of operation. Your chosen Video Playback Device must be configured to “Play” continually in the “background”…… even when the Video Playback Device is in the idle/sleep mode or the screen goes blank etc. Note: This is an Animated Silent VIDEO clip product offering and therefore no sound will be audible. But the VIDEO Clip will continue to broadcast/disperse locally the dowsed Subtle Energies! For best results, the Silent VIDEO Playback Device should be positioned close to the left-hand side of the body, although the Subtle Energy broadcast itself will likely fill the locality/room you are located in!
*Note:- To be clear; Dr. Karim is the founder of BioGeometry and the physical BioSignatures themselves, and we are using our own proprietary methods to produce and encode known energetic Quantum BioSignatures in this Silent VIDEO Program. We are not associated with Dr. Karim or the BioGeometry organization in any way. To learn more about BioGeometry and Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s work, please visit the following web site or buy one of his many wonderful books:-