Spooky2 DH_0332_V2_Increase Respiratory System Peptide Bio-regulators MP3 AUDIO
This experimental and dowsed MP3 Isochronic AUDIO File contains the ‘Energetic Signatures’ required to correct, restore harmony, or balance, the above mentioned Product Description. Any experimental Isochronic MP3 AUDIO files played should be done so REPEATEDLY in a continuous loop i.e. “Repeat Mode” at low volume (or muted) on your portable Bluetooth Tx/Rx “paired” devices and/or Earbuds / Headphones / Waterproof Speaker, Wi-Fi Broadcasting, ‘MP3 Player’, Mobile Phone, ‘Windows/Apple Media Player’, or a Single Speaker placed close to the Solar Plexus/Heart Chakra areas of the chest sternum area. Or, alternatively, just charge a glass of Filtered Water through a Radionics type device, or Spooky2 Remote device, or even just using an AUDIO Speaker with an audio input/output connection.